A good example of a smart but stupid man

January 26, 2010

One would think that a book reviewer for the New York Times would have intelligence.  It has clearly been clouded by his education and arrogance.   www.nytimes.com/2010/01/24/books/review/Jauhar-t.htmloks/review/Jauhar-t.html

In his first paragraph he talks about watching residents insert a central line catheter.  “I noticed they had neglected to drape the abdomen and the legs, but at this point it didn’t seem wise to interrupt, so I let it go…..they had also forgotten to don face shields and caps….I let that go.”  The patient got an infection.  Not speaking up, not interrupting, allowing healthcare professionals to not fully protect the patient is a very big part of the problem.  Where is the culture of patient safety?