Category Archives: Newsroom
ABC News Investigates Top Doctor Awards: Are They Always Well Deserved?
July 17, 2012ABC News; By DR. MARK ABDELMALEK (@DrMarkABC) , CHRIS CUOMO (@ChrisCuomo) , GERRY WAGSCHAL, JOSEPH RHEE and KRISTINA DOYTCHINOVA | July 14, 2012 | One of 2012’s America’s “Top Dentists”
The Boy Who Wanted to Fly
July 17, 2012The New York Times; By MAUREEN DOWD; Published: July 14, 2012. RORY STAUNTON was always looking up. As soon as he could walk, he wanted to fly. The exuberant freckle-faced redhead
Letting Big Pharma Review Its Own Drugs — What Could Go Wrong?
July 17, 2012Jul 11 2012, 11:11 AM ET | Shannon Brownlee & Joe Colucci | We can’t trust drug companies to disclose product safety hazards when they stand to gain so much
How safe is your hospital?
July 7, 2012Consumer Reports magazine: August 2012 | Our new Ratings find that some are riskier than others Hospitals should be places you go to get better, but too often the opposite
GlaxoSmithKline settles healthcare fraud case for $3 billion
July 3, 2012By David Ingram | Reuters – Mon, Jul 2, 2012 | WASHINGTON (Reuters) – GlaxoSmithKline Plc agreed to plead guilty to misdemeanor criminal charges and pay $3 billion to settle
The US Senate listens to Patient Safety Concerns
July 3, 2012On July 2nd, Jean Rexford, CTCPS Executive Director was in Hartford to testify at the US Senate Special Committee on Aging hearing on Next Steps for Patient Safety: Assuring High
Health Care Law Stands: What It Means For CT And You
June 29, 2012by Magaly Olivero | Jun 28, 2012 11:30 am The U.S. Supreme Court decision today upholding the constitutionality of the nation’s health reform law bodes well for Connecticut, where the
Use of imaging tests soars, raising questions on radiation risk
June 14, 2012The use of CTs, MRIs and other advanced medical imaging tests has soared over the last 15 years, according to new research that raises questions about whether the benefits of
Checklists, teamwork minimizing mistakes in medicine
June 9, 2012“Anytime somebody comes in to have a procedure done or just have some sort of hospital admission, there’s a 1 in 500 chance during that encounter that that person may
Brown University Confirms Observation Continues to Replace Hospital Admission Status
June 9, 2012Since 2008, the Center for Medicare Advocacy (the Center) has been reporting that an increasing number of Medicare beneficiaries are being placed in acute care hospital beds for multiple days