Rants of a Patient Safety Advocate – True Story in the Emergency Room: The Emergency Room Dilemma

March 17, 2015

My friend and fellow advocate, Ilene Corina, wrote: “Just imagine walking into a supermarket and the carts are all sitting in the aisles so scattered you can barely get through. Cans and boxes of food are mixed up and piled high so you would knock it down if you bumped into it ever so slightly. The lines at the cashier are 10-15-20 people long and you have to wait and wait. The cashier leaves to take care of another customer leaving you waiting even longer. Every item you bought was announced loud enough so anyone standing close by in tight, cramped quarters can hear. ROLAIDS, TAMPONS, 3 POUNDS OF APPLES and finally, no one smiles, no one looks at you and you are treated as if you are a bother. Would you shop there? What if you were forced to?”  Her resulting blog post, written following her visit to a hospital emergency room gives us all something to think about – but what can we be doing? Read her entire blog post here